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We Hit Our Goal—Let’s Keep Going!

Thanks to our amazing supporters, we’ve reached our $100,000 match goal! But there’s still more to do—join us in protecting children and supporting our mission.

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Yiota G. Souras

Yiota Souras joined NCMEC in 2006 after seven years of experience with corporate litigation and white-collar investigations at international law firms in New York and Washington, D.C.

Ms. Souras is responsible for all legal affairs of NCMEC including oversight of contractual, litigation, compliance, governance and intellectual property matters. She also advises NCMEC's President and CEO and staff members about legal issues pertaining to NCMEC's mission, provides counsel to the Board of Directors and serves as assistant corporate secretary to the Board.

Ms. Souras received a Juris Doctor from Fordham University and a Bachelor of Arts from The Johns Hopkins University.