Protect. Reduce. Prevent: Leadership Seminar
This course is designed for persons performing a leadership role in law enforcement agencies, emergency communications centers, state missing clearinghouses, and prosecutors' offices. Participants will engage in online learning followed by three days of face-to-face training at NCMEC headquarters in Alexandria, VA.
This learning seminar will familiarize participants with current issues related to missing and sexually exploited children. It will include emerging trends, promising practices, media and prevention strategies, victim services, responder wellness, planning, model policies, and other NCMEC resources and technical assistance.
Click here to view the PRPL course one pager.
PRPL Series Class Dates Coming Soon!
Topics Covered through a Case Study Approach Include:
- Missing Children and At-Risk Populations
- Exploited Children, including Online Enticement and Other Trends
- Child Sex Trafficking
- Community-Based Multi-Disciplinary Teams
- Trauma-informed, child-focused strategies
- Legal Issues
- Digital and Social Media Strategies
- Digital and Social Media Strategies
- Federal Resources
- Family and Survivor Assistance
- Forensics
- Responder Resilience and Wellness
- Model Policies and Procedures
- Community Assessment and Action Planning
The cost of admission, training materials, airfare and lodging are covered through NCMEC. Meals and refreshments provided during class time are funded through private donations. No federal funds are used to pay for food and beverages. Attendees are responsible for evening meals and ground transportation between the airport and lodging/training site.
PRPL Course Requirements:
Applicants must be active members of a law enforcement agency, emergency communications center, prosecutors' offices, or state missing clearinghouse and in a formal leadership role.
Prior to attendance:
- Complete assigned self-paced online learning modules that provide a foundational understanding of NCMEC’s role as a national clearinghouse and resource center.
During the Seminar:
- Complete the course Evaluation
- Submit a community action plan
After the Seminar:
- Complete and return progress surveys sent by NCMEC three months, and six months after course completion
Continuing Education Credits:
- NCMEC does not provide continuing educational credits (CEU) to participants. Upon successful completion of the PRPL training program, NCMEC will provide a training certificate that contains class name, date/location, and hours of the training. Learning objectives, course agendas, and instructor information are provided. It is the responsibility of the participants to work with their accrediting/certifying agencies to obtain continuing educational units. NCMEC will provide reasonable assistance and documentation to assist participants in obtaining CEUs. Please contact us at training@ncmec.org with any questions concerning this information.
Preview draft of PRPL agenda.